Welcome to MagnaLab

Reagent kits & magnetic beads ExtraMAG

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Why Choose MagnaLab?

MagnaLab is a fast growing company focused on production and development of high quality magnetic beads and reagent kits for molecular diagnostics, research in life science and related areas.

SARS-CoV-2 detection

Test kits for SARS-CoV-2 detection by PCR and ELISA methods

Integrated solutions

Equipment and reagent kits for automated nucleic acid isolation and purification

Magnetic beads

Magnetic beads for DNA/RNA isolation, NGS library preparation, magnetic sorbents for QuEChERS method


Magnetic beads for analytical chemistry

Magnetic analogs of QuEChERS sorbents are designed for automated purification of food extracts for the subsequent analysis of pesticides, antibiotics and mycotoxins.


Magnetic beads for molecular biology

Magnetic beads for high-throughput and rapid isolation and purification of nucleic acids, size-selective isolation of DNA fragments, immobilization of bioactive molecules for sample preparation, proteomics and immunoassay applications.


DNA/RNA isolation kits

Magnetic beads based kits for the extraction of DNA or RNA.


SARS-CoV-2 detection kits

Qualitative detection of coronаvirus RNA, nucleocapsid antigen and antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2.



Automated systems for isolation of DNA, RNA, proteins and cells.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What size of DNA can be isolated by ExtraMag beads/kits?

    For diagnostic purposes: DNA fragments from 100 bp to ~ 10^9 bp in length can be used. For preparative purposes: DNA fragments from 100 bp to 10,000 bp in length can be isolated. With care in handling, DNA fragments up to 100 kb in length can be isolated, so far as mechanical stress can damage long DNA fragments.

  • Samples with high buffer capacity are not recommended to use at pH very different from neutral. There are no other restrictions. In the process of isolation, the sorbent with adsorbed DNA is washed from the impurities. The product can be used with a wide range of biosamples (buccal epithelium, human and bacterial cells, whole blood, blood plasma, etc), lysis reagents and detergents (guanidine, TRIS, Tween 20, Trithon x100, SDS, PEG, etc), organic solvents and molecular biology buffer solutions.

  • 6–12 μg of genomic DNA can be isolated (from 200 μL of whole blood) per 1 mg of beads (= 0.04 ml of suspension with concentration of 25 mg/ml). 1.5 – 3 μg of genomic DNA can be isolated (from 200 μL of whole blood) per 1 isolation with ExtraMag kit (= 0.25 mg of the beads, = 0.01 ml of suspension with concentration of 25 mg/ml).

  • ExtraMag beads are intended for use in aqueous solutions. Any beads aggregate under certain conditions. You can test a free sample of ExtraMag beads to see how compatible they are with your buffer system. In most cases our beads show good results. If you want the best results, there are 2 possible solutions: -Use specially selected buffers, for example try any ExtraMag DNA/RNA Isolation Kit, based on the ExtraMag beads; -Try our new development - monodisperse spheres, which do not aggregate due to their shape. However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that at this moment the product is at the testing stage.

  • Principally, the sorption of DNA onto magnetic particles is a reversible process. But we do not recommend reusing beads. Firstly, because of the possible contamination of a final product. Secondly, the surface of the particles can be clogged during use, and we cannot guarantee a good quality of the reused beads. If you require large quantities of beads, you can request a special offer for large volumes or regular purchases.

  • We can provide RUO ExtraMag kits for NA isolation in any package upon request. To clarify the conditions, please contact us.

Contact us


ul. Bukowiecka 92 03-893 Warsaw


(+48) 573 966 448