ExtraMag Carboxy Beads for immobilization of proteins, nucleic acids and other bioactive compounds

ExtraMag Carboxy beads are carboxyl functionalized magnetic particles designed for the immobilization of bioactive molecules for sample preparation, proteomics, nucleic acid isolation and immunoassay applications.

  1. Immobilization of primary amines using carbodiimide as cross-linker
  2. Immobilization of proteins and peptides
  3. Immobilization of amino-modified oligonucleotides

  1. Superparamagnetic particles with high magnetization
  2. High density of carboxyl groups on the surface
  3. Reduced nonspecific sorption
  4. Fast and simple protocols

Размер упаковки, ml REF Цена, €
5 MB-EMC-5 50
10 MB-EMC-10 85
50 MB-EMC-50 340
100 MB-EMC-100 615

Concentration 25 mg/ml*
Composition γ–Fe2O3–SiO2–COOH
Surface functional groups –COOH
Concentration of funcitonal groups 1.2 mmol/g
Bead type Controlled aglomerates of nanospheres
Average particle size 1 μm
Sedimentation stability 3–5 min
Time of full magnetic separation < 1 min**
Magnetization type Superparamagnetic
Magnetization value ~40 emu/g
Storage conditions 2–8 ºC
Transportation conditions 2–25 ºC
Shelf life 24 months
  • * Can be supplied in any concentration (up to 200 mg/ml) on request
  • ** Depends on the isolation conditions; magnetic rack is recommended